If you discover any of the following issues with the product after receiving it, you may request a return or exchange from us:

  1. Damaged product or incomplete packaging.
  2. Missing or incorrect product.

To support your request, you must provide the following evidence for verification:

  1. Show a valid receipt.
  2. Provide images and pictures of the problematic product.

All return or exchange requests must be made within 5 days after receiving the product. Once the request is verified, we will arrange for the return or exchange of the same product within 7 working days. If the product is out of stock, we will refund the amount paid for that product according to the payment method used in the order.

If you purchased a product that you are not satisfied with, as long as the product packaging is intact and undamaged, we can arrange for the replacement of another product. The refund or additional payment will be calculated based on the price on the receipt at the time of purchase and the price of the replacement product. Please note that you will be responsible for any shipping fees incurred during the return or exchange process. If the product has been opened or unpacked, we regret that we cannot arrange a replacement.